Tuesday, January 28, 2014

RISD home tests

After months of thinking and planning and sketching and drawing (and crying) I have finally finished and mailed out my RISD home tests!

Drawing #1 | reference a bicycle   

The infamous RISD bike.....this piece caused me a great deal of grief because my original bike was just a boring rendering of a bike just sitting there, and one thing led to another and I had to restart and get a new idea. I really like this version though! Even though it gave me a lot of stress and tears. It's sort of a nostalgia trip through old family photos (all of which feature bikes).

I started this pretty close to the deadline so I ended up skipping a lot of school to stay home and work on it. It was worth it in the end! 

Here are some closeups:

The last photograph was left unrendered by artistic choice. Chronologically, it's the newest/youngest photo, and the only one with the artist/me in it. It may sound like BSing for time's sake (and that's part of it), but I still genuinely think it's a valid artistic decision.

Now for the second home test, the choice drawing:

Drawing #2 | in the course of a single calendar day, draw 11 related images in a single visualization

I chose to do studies of 11 different appliances and utensils in my kitchen, each in a different color. 

Here are some closeups for this one: 

Both drawings have been cropped and folded and are now on their way to the RISD admissions office.  I'll be submitting my portfolio online sometime this week, and when that happens I'll write up another post.

But other than that I'm basically done with my college apps! No more essays to write or new art to make. It's a huge weight off my back; now I can work on my own personal art projects without feeling guilty about it! 

Good luck to all my fellow applicants!

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